Founded in 1984, the British American Drama Academy is the only drama school in Great Britain specifically created to immerse students from the United States in the traditions of the British conservatoire. More than 95% of our students study abroad at BADA from the United States to learn from leading actors and directors of the British stage and to absorb the traditions and techniques of the British theatre. Our intensive short courses and our rigourous semester long programmes not only offer training in technique but also deepen understanding and forge strong cross-cultural connections.

Our current courses:

  • Midsummer in Oxford (Actors 18+) – Our flagship programme which has run since 1984; a four-week summer intensive focuses on British acting techniques with an emphasis on Shakespeare, in association with the David Geffen School of Drama at Yale.
  • London Theatre Program (College Juniors & Seniors) – a semester-long study abroad conservatory acting programme consisting of 8 weeks of classes followed by a 5-week production period culminating in a full performance in a London theatre; in association with Sarah Lawrence College.
  • Midsummer Conservatory Program (Actors ages 16 – 18) – a three-week summer session combining British drama school training with an academic exploration of the history and culture of the Elizabethan era.
  • Greek Theatre (Participants 18+) – A four-week interdisciplinary programme in London, Athens and Oxford. Dedicated to exploring the performance and reception of ancient drama.
  • Black British Theatre (Participants 18+) – provides an overview of Black British theatre by tracing the social, cultural, intellectual and political developments that have come to define the theory, practice and aesthetics of its practitioners. The course will interrogate how Black people have been represented on stage by White writers before plays by Black theatre practitioners began to gain greater visibility on the British stage.

Header Photo: Midsummer in Oxford 2018 with Masterclass guest Sir Patrick Stewart.